
Time and place: , UiO Natural History Museum, Lids building

University training course BIO4115/BIO9115 (Master and PhD) on species distribution modelling using GBIF data and Maxent. The Norwegian GBIF node contributed to the lectures on accessing and using GBIF data.

Time and place: , NINA, Høgskoleringen 9, 7034 Trondheim

NINA, NTNU University Museum, GBIF Norway and the NBIC (Artsdatabanken) organize a workshop on publication of biodiversity occurrence data to GBIF and the Norwegian Map Service (Artskart) at NINA in Trondheim in October 2015. Please let us know if you want to join the workshop! gbif-drift@nhm.uio.no

Time and place: , Trondheim

Introduction to writing good data set metadata and to the procedure for writing and submitting data paper manuscripts to the PENSOFT Biodiversity Data Journal. Participants bring their own data set(s) and we aim at least a good start on the writing for a complete data paper manuscript by the end of day 2.