BIO4115/9115 - Species distribution modelling

University training course BIO4115/BIO9115 (Master and PhD) on species distribution modelling using GBIF data and Maxent. The Norwegian GBIF node contributed to the lectures on accessing and using GBIF data.

GBIF data portal

GBIF data published by Norwegian Institutions

The UiO Natural History Museum is responsible for the species distribution course offered for master and PhD students at the University of Oslo each autumn. More detailed  information is available from the UiO web site:

The Norwegian GBIF node provides lectures and assistance to the students on accessing and using GBIF data for distribution modelling. This year we provided 4 lectures:


Course leader: Dr Trine Bekkby

Course lecturers: Dr Trine Bekkby (NHM/NIVA), Assoc Prof Anders Bryn (NHM/NIBIO), Dr Hui Tang (DeptGeosci), PhD candidate Johanne H Rydsaa (DeptGeosci), Prof Rune Halvorsen (NHM), Dr Dag Endresen (NHM), Lars Erikstad (NHM/NINA), Dr Vegar Bakkestuen (NHM/NINA), PhD candidate Desalegn Chala (NHM), Dr Hege Gundersen (NIVA), Dr Eli Rinde (NIVA), PhD candidate Heidrun A Ullerud (NHM), PhD candidate Anders Wollan (NHM) and Prof Frode Stordalen (DeptGeosci).

Tags: Species distribution modelling, GBIF, UiO
Published Dec. 7, 2015 3:54 PM - Last modified Dec. 7, 2015 4:00 PM