
The GBIF node and the Norwegian Biodiversity Information Center (NBIC, Artsdatabanken) will organize a biodiversity informatics seminar at the University of Bergen about data publication and use on 14th December 2016.

Time and place: , Room A 242, NORD University, Campus Steinkjer

The GBIF node and the Norwegian Biodiversity Information Center (NBIC, Artsdatabanken) organize a data publishing seminar at NORD University campus Steinkjer 1st December 2016.

Time and place: , Scandic hotel Gardermoen

Annual seminar 2016 for the Norwegian University Museum IT collaboration at Gardermoen 11th to 12th October 2016.

Time and place: , NINA-huset, Trondheim

Downloading species occurrence data using the GBIF web-service API. (Tilgang og nedlasting av stedfestede artsdata fra GBIF med webtjenester).

Time and place: , Møterom Ny-Ålesund, Framsenteret, Tromsø

GBIF Norway (GBIF.no) and the Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre (Artsdatabanken.no) organize a seminar on data publishing in Tromsø on 7th and 8th of September 2016.

Time and place: , Los Banos, Philippines

GBIF BIFA mentoring: Orientation Workshop on Mobilizing Biodiversity Data from ASEAN Protected Areas

Time and place: , https://blbgroup.leadpages.co/hepaticaweek/

#HepaticaWeek - A New Spring For Citizen Science, April 2016