Darwin Core Hour (iDigBio)

Learn more about Darwin Core! GBIF.no recommends our data nodes in Norway to follow the new and informative series of webinars on Darwin Core from the US-based GBIF-node, iDigBio.

Keep Calm and Use Darwin Core

If you want to learn more about Darwin Core - why not go to the source!

Darwin Core was largely developed by a series of US biodiversity research projects including iDigBio (Integrated Digitized Biocollections) as one of the most recent. The Darwin Core Hour webinar series provide a community for sharing experience on how to use Darwin Core: https://github.com/tdwg/dwc-qa/wiki/Webinars. The recording of each seminar available from iDigBio shortly after each live webinar: https://vimeo.com/album/4407185.

Connect live at: http://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/room


11Darwin Core Hour Brainstorming – Inviting the Community to Plan for Next Year (Monday 4th December 2017, 17:00 CET, Oslo)

Our last Darwin Core Hour of the year is coming! We would like to take this opportunity to invite you all to an open conversation. During this webinar we will briefly go through the experience of putting together a Darwin Core Hour, i.e., how it works: from the inside. We will assess the topics covered and the ones yet to come, and we will put together a plan for next year. We would love to have you participate, bring your input and ideas for making this initiative grow and address the interests and concerns of the community.

Date and Time: Monday 4 December 2017 at 17:00 CET (Oslo), 11AM EST, 4PM GMT (UTC), 1PM ART, 2PM PST
Where: http://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/room
Questions: https://bit.ly/dwchour-input
Presenters: Paula Zermoglio and the Darwin Core Hour Team

10: Audubon Core and 3D data

  • Data standards to support 3D data and images are evolving
  • Date: Tuesday 21 November 2017 (21:00 Oslo)
  • Presenters: Gary Motz (Indiana Geological and Water Survey), Doug Boyer (Duke University)

9: Kurator for cleaner biodiversity data

TDWG Webinar: Extensions in short

8: Data qualityTDWG-GBIF DQIG

  • TDWG/GBIF Biodiversity Data Quality Interest Group
  • Date: Wednesday 6th September 2017
  • Presenters: Arthur D. Chapman, Lee Belbin (TDWG BDQ)

7.2Aggregators - more than Vert(Net)

  • Slides
  • Date: 29th August 2017
  • Presenter: John Wieczorek (VertNet)

7.1Aggregators - GBIF & iDigBio

6: Where am I, exactly? Darwin Core georeferencing

5: Darwin Core in Practice: Introduction to the GBIF IPT

4: Evolution of Darwin Core terms and extensions

3: Thousands of shades for "controlled" vocabularies

2: Even simple is hard (simple Darwin Core)

1: Introduction to Darwin Core


          Darwin Core documentation:

          What is Darwin Core, and why does it matter?

          Darwin Core spreadsheet templates:

          Create and publish Darwin Core using the IPT (GBIF Integrated data Publishing Toolkit):

          GBIF IPT data models:

          Data quality guidelines:

          Darwin Core software tools:

          Biodiversity Informatics Training Curriculum (see also):


          Tags: Darwin Core, GBIF, iDigBio
          Published Aug. 23, 2017 9:44 AM - Last modified Nov. 27, 2017 11:22 PM