Digitization of collections and publishing data - Wet collections and GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit

Three-days on-site GBIF course in Moscow 15-17 May 2018. Digitisation (databasing) of natural history collections. Priority will be given to applicants with immediate plans to digitize wet collections and to publish data through GBIF.

An intensive on-site training will be comprised of i) general introduction to the world of global biodiversity data and GBIF, ii) starting and managing digitisation projects at the collection or institutional scale, general principles of digitisation and practical advice, and iii) data publishing through GBIF. The latter part of the course in particular aims at the beginners who would like to learn publishing biodiversity data through GBIF, but do not know how it is done. This part will enhance the capacity of experts trained for biodiversity data digitization and to expose data in the global pool. The datasets are published as digital authored academic products with DOIs from the organisational accounts and in-built data citation mechanism. Participants will be introduced to GBIF supported data standards and support available in Russia. The course will have a strong focus on the technical aspects of data mobilization through GBIF.org. The event will have a strong practical approach and will include the study key concepts of biodiversity informatics, introduction to the Darwin Core Standard, data standardisation, data publishing utilizing GBIF’s Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT). As a result, attendees of the course would be able to comfortably navigate through global biodiversity data, set a local digitisation project, manage an IPT account, and to prepare datasets for online publication.

Course informationhttp://gbif.ru/workshop_May_2018

Venue: Russia, Moscow, P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences (SIO RAS) Nakhimovsky Prospekt, 36 Google maps Profsoyuznaya metro station, 400 m walk.

Organized by the GBIF Secretariat together with the Russian Academy of Sciences (GBIF Russia), the GBIF Node of Finland (FinBIF), GBIF France, GBIF Norway (University of Oslo) and the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Brussels.

Funded by a GBIF - FinBIF data mobilization grant for European Russia and through Multidisciplinary EDUcation and reSearch in mArine biology in Norway and Russia (MEDUSA) project funded by the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU).

Tags: GBIF, IPT, data publishing
Published Mar. 22, 2018 9:33 AM - Last modified Mar. 28, 2018 11:08 AM