biodiversity_next 2019

The GBIF annual meeting including the Global Nodes Meeting in October 2019 will be organized together with the biodiversity_next conference in Leiden.


It is a conference that brings together, for the first time at this scale, major international organizations, research scientists, and policymakers to jointly identify socio-technical bottlenecks and horizon-scan opportunities around data-intensive biodiversity and geodiversity research.

More than 700 people from 77 countries participated in Biodiversity_Next. This event included the 2019 annual meetings for GBIF, DiSSCo, CETAF, and TDWG.

biodiversity_next is a joint international conference by TDWG, GBIF, CETAF & DiSSCo, merging the annual meetings of these organizations into one digital open science week for biological and geological information.

Global Nodes Meeting at GB26


BioDATA Biodiversity Data for Internationalization in Higher Education is funded by the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (DIKU) -- and is based on reusing training materials from the GBIF Biodiversity Information for Development (BID) program funded by the European Commission.

See also: Endresen et al. 2019, BISS 3: e37543 DOI:10.3897/biss.3.37543 [PPTX]

The Nodes training at the start of the Nodes meeting focussed on developing Participant Node strategies, administration, and governance tools. Some of the Nodes stories were presented at the Global Nodes Meeting. Norway has an operational GBIF Node providing nationally important data pathways that are very well integrated into national information systems. However, there is not yet any solution in place for funding after 2019. In less than 3 months the node might be left without any node budget. Unfortunately, this is a situation far too many of the GBIF Nodes recognize alarmingly well - if they even have any appropriate node budget at all.

Update: The continued funding for the Norwegian Participant Node for 2020 was confirmed by the Research Council of Norway in November 2019.



Published Nov. 30, 2018 11:47 AM - Last modified Jan. 31, 2020 3:17 PM