European GBIF Nodes Meeting 2019

The 2019 annual European GBIF Nodes meeting will be in Oslo 22 to 24 May at the UiO Natural History Museum in Oslo.

European GBIF Nodes meeting in Oslo May 2019, photo CC-BY UiO Natural History Museum, University of Oslo

Photo: CC-BY UiO Natural History Museum, University of Oslo

Program overview

The 11th European Nodes meeting 2019 with the venue in Oslo. We plan an optional field trip in the afternoon of Tuesday 21 May, the day before the meeting start. Departure from the city center in the afternoon (at 14:00) will allow for most of you to arrive during the morning. The first day of the meeting Wednesday 22 May the registration will start at 10 and allow for most you (that are not attending the field trip) to arrive in Oslo during the morning. On Friday 24 May the meeting will close after lunch (at 13:00) to allow for most of you to plan your return back home in the afternoon and evening. See the Agenda (condensed 4-page agenda) for further details. Please contribute to the development of the meeting agenda and the GBIF Discourse discussion thread. The registration form was available for European nodes and other key participants from the European region. Presentations and meeting documents are found here.

Tøyen Manor at the UiO Natural Museum and Botanical Garden campus will be our venue on Thursday 23 and Friday 24 May 2019.
The European Nodes meeting will be at two locations. First day (22 May) downtown at Professorboligen (Karl Johans Gate 47) on the UiO city center campus. Second and third day (23-24 May) at the Tøyen Manor (Sars gate 1) on the UiO campus Tøyen -  where the Natural History Museum in Oslo and the University Botanical Garden are located (and where the Norwegian GBIF node staff is located).

Wednesday 22 May 2019

The venue for the first day of the meeting will be downtown on the main parade street of Oslo. The registration will start at 10 to allow most of you (not attending the field trip) to plan your travel to Oslo in the morning.

Registration from 09:00, sub-groups at 10:00, lunch at 12:00 (available from 11:00). The actual meeting starts at 13:00.

Venue: UiO Professorboligen (the house of the professor)

Address: Karl Johans Gate 47, Oslo

Thursday 23 May and Friday 24 May 2019

Day 2 and 3 of the meeting will be at the museum campus. The city center of Oslo is not too large to cross by walking from your hotel. You will also find a metro station (station Tøyen) outside the museum campus. The meeting on day 3 will end after lunch to allow for most of you to plan your travel back home in the late afternoon or evening.

Venue: UiO Tøyen Hovedgård (Tøyen Manor)

Address: Sars gate 1, Oslo

Tøyen Manor is located at 7 in the map above (Sars gate 1). (1) Main visitor entrance, museum shop (2) Robert Collects house, Zoological Museum, (3) Brøggers house, Geological Museum (closed for renovation), (4) Lids house, Botanical Museum, (5) Victoria house, greenhouse for tropical plants, (6) Palm house, greenhouse for temperate tropical zones, (7) Tøyen Manor, cafe, (8) WC, (9) Temporary office building, (10) Garden house, picnic tables under roof, (11) Willow garden for children, (12) Systematic garden, (13) Scented garden, (14) Threatened and invasive plants garden, (15) Herb garden, (16) Rock garden, (17) Scandinavian ridge, (18) Hayfields, (19) Oslo ridge, (20) Viking garden, (21) Picnic area, (22) Great granny´s garden, (23) Meeting point, starting point for guided tours, (24) City plants.

Optional field trip on Tuesday 21 May 2019

Oslo has almost 700 000 inhabitants and is surrounded by forest areas to the north and to the south-east easily accessible by the city metro. The city is also a maritime city with very easy public access to an archipelago of islands. On the day before the European Nodes meeting, we will visit the islands for a field trip in the afternoon. Plan your travel to Oslo to arrive during the morning of Tuesday 21 May if you want to join this field trip. We will meet at Akers brygge (before 14:00) where the ferry departs at 14:00. If you are late, there is a ferry every hour and easy to meet us at Hovedøya (call Dag at mobile +47-40612982, or email 

Travel and accommodation recommendations

Our venue for the first day on Wednesday 22 May, "Professorboligen" is located downtown on the parade street of Oslo across from the Royal Palace at the city center university campus. The address is Karl Johans Gate 47. Registration from 10:00, lunch at 12:00, main meeting starts at 13:00.

The UiO Natural History Museum at campus Tøyen is located in walking distance from the city center of Oslo. Our venue on Thursday and Friday (23-24 May) at Tøyen Hovedgård is located at the center of the University Botanical Garden of the museum. The address is Sars gate 1.

Airport connection

Oslo Airport (OSL) has good direct connections to most major European cities. The airport train (Flytoget) is the fastest and easiest transport from the airport with only 19 minutes of travel time and departures every 10 minutes. A one-way ticket costs 190 NOK (approx 19 Euro). Tickets are available in the ticket machine at the airport and from the Flytoget smartphone app. The airport train stops at the Oslo Central Station (1,7 km from the museum) and at the National Theatre (Nasjonalteateret) which is more or less immediately in front of the university city center campus (and Professorboligen).

City transport

The website provides a good overview of local city transport. A single ride ticket with all kind of public city transport (metro, bus, tram) is 35 NOK (approx 3,5 Euro), the 24-hour ticket is 105 NOK (approx 10,5 Euro) and the 7-day travel ticket is 249 NOK (approx 25 Euro). With a city card (24 hours, 48 hours or 72 hours) you will have a free ride on public transport and access to museums and more. Note that a taxi can be quite costly in Oslo and differently priced by different taxi companies.

Hotels and accommodation

You will find a wide variation of hotels and accommodation options in the city center. Anker Hotel is only 1 km from the museum (towards the city center) and Best Western Kampen Hotel is located only 800 meters outside the museum. You will find many nice hotels inside the city center still in walking distance from the museum.

For tourist information see Visit Oslo and Visit Norway.



Attendees that have registered so far


News stories

Azra and Armine at the 2019 GBIF Europe Nodes meeting in Oslo

Read the travel report from Armine Abrahamyan from the 2019 GBIF Europe meeting in Oslo.


GBIF Europe
Tags: GBIF-EU, GBIF, Biodiversity informatics
Published Nov. 29, 2018 3:57 PM - Last modified Oct. 28, 2019 5:57 PM