Nansen Legacy - Marine data publishing workshop

Nansen Legacy (AeN) 3-day workshop to publish marine biodiversity data from the AeN project as Darwin Core Archives on September 20-22, 2022. With support from the Norwegian Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) node, and the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS, EurOBIS).

The workshop is open to Nansen Legacy project members to register - using registration information provided by the Nansen Legacy project team.


Copy of information from the project workshop pages:

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Have published their own data or be able to finish publishing them at home by following a few simple final steps.
  • Have learned about the Darwin Core standards and why it is important to publish biodiversity data in Darwin Core Archives.
  • Be able to convert future data to Darwin Core Archive by yourself.

We invite participants to bring their own data. If your Nansen Legacy data are not ready to be published, feel free to bring any other unpublished data you have. You will learn the skills necessary to publish your Nansen Legacy data in the same way later. No experience is required, as long as you know and understand your own dataset!

Are my data right for this?

All data that includes a list of species (and in particular species occurrences) can be published as Darwin Core Archives. Measurements or facts associated with these species can also be included, including community measurements. If you are not sure whether your data are suitable to publish as a Darwin Core Archive, or if you have any other questions, please contact

Key details:

  • Dates: September 20-22, 2022.
  • We encourage you to attend all 3 days, though it is possible to come for just one or two of the days. Please book your flights to arrive on day 1 and leave on day 3 where possible.
  • Location: University of Tromsø
  • Funding: Nansen Legacy will cover the costs of hotels, travel, and food for all participants and instructors (within reason!).
  • Bring with you: Marine biodiversity data, and a laptop.
  • Prerequisites: None
  • A maximum number of places: 40 including instructors. First come first served.

Provisional Schedule

Day 1 (20th September, 13:00 – 16:30): Introductory presentations

  • Introduction to biodiversity data publishing (60 minutes)
  • Introduction to OBIS (30 minutes)
  • Introduction to GBIF (30 minutes)
  • How Nansen Legacy fits in (30 minutes)

Days 2 & 3 (21-22 September, 09:00 – 16:30): Hands-on workshop – publish your own data as a Darwin Core Archive

Bring your own data to work with. If your Nansen Legacy data are not ready, feel free to bring other data! You can apply the skills you learn to your Nansen Legacy data when you are ready.

  • You will work with the assistance of experts from GBIF and OBIS.
  • You will learn by doing and from any challenges other people in the group encounter.
  • Convert your data to Darwin Core Archive.
  • Map parameter names to Darwin Core terms
  • Restructuring of data where necessary
  • Using GBIF’s Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT):
  • Publish your data with a data center that contributes to SIOS.
  • Publish your data to GBIF with the same DOI. They will be made available via OBIS automatically.,


Published Feb. 9, 2022 2:40 PM - Last modified Sep. 25, 2022 8:11 AM