
Time and place: , Okinawa, Japan

SPNHC & TDWG Joint Conference - A hybrid conference in Okinawa, Japan, 2-6 September 2024

Time and place: , Porto, Portugal

The 31th GBIF Governing Board meeting (GB31) will take place in Porto, Portugal.

Time and place: , UiO, campus Blindern, Oslo

The Natural History Museum MaNa group and Norwegian Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) node invite students, PhDs, postdocs, researchers, and faculty at the University of Oslo for a 1-day workshop on Tuesday, 22 October 2024 (save-the-date). See the workshop event page for more details.



Time and place: , Tromsø Museum, Lars Thørings vei 10

The Norwegian GBIF node in cooperation with the Arctic University Museum of Norway would like to welcome you to an open biodiversity data seminar on Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th of May in Tromsø at Tromsø Museum.

Time and place: , Hotel Academia, Stara Lesna, Slovakia

Unlocking Slovakias Biodiversity Through Data Publishing, workshop in Stara Lesna in Slovakia in May 2024

Time and place: , Uzbekistan

We plan one physical workshop or conference with optional digital participation, taking place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. We'll provide capacity-building workshop on digitization techniques, data publication, and data cleaning, co-creating Russian language resources. This project aims to enhance data publication and bioinformatics in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

Time and place: , Online webinar

Webinar about Digital Twins of the Ocean and Biodiversity - including a presentation of data publication in OBIS and GBIF.

Time and place: , Tøyen, Oslo, Norway

Tangled Bank Seminar: Dr Sabine von Mering - Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, 29th February 2024

Time and place: , Tøyen, Oslo, Norway

UiO Data Managers Network Seminar: Dr Sabine von Mering - Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, 1st March 2024

Time and place: , Oostende, Belgium

Meeting of the OBIS secretariat, GBIF secretariat, and some OBIS and GBIF nodes in Oostende Belgium on the 8th and 9th of February 2024 to progress our common collaboration strategy.

Time and place: , Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm

The SBDI consortium welcomes everyone within the scientific community who is curious about data-driven research. Join the event at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm. 

Time and place: , Tøyen, Oslo, Norway

Three-day hackathon titled Harnessing Digital Twinning for Sustainable Agriculture: Predictive Characterisation and Conservation of Crop Wild Relativestakes place from January 23rd to 25th, 2024 in Oslo, Norway. The event, promises to unravel the immense potential of digital twinning in revolutionizing global agricultural practices.