Biodiversity data publication workshop "save-the-date" 17 September 2024

Read more from the workshop event page


This event will assist you in publishing your biodiversity data as Darwin Core Archives, with expert guidance on the Darwin Core standard.

By the end of the workshop, you will:

  • Have published your data or be able to do so independently with a few simple steps.
  • Understand the Darwin Core standard and the importance of publishing biodiversity data in Darwin Core Archives.
  • Be capable of independently publishing your future data in Darwin Core Archives.

Why Publish Your Biodiversity Data on

Publishing your data contributes to the global scientific community by making your research accessible for further studies, policy-making, and educational purposes. It enhances the visibility of your work and integrates it into a global database that supports open and reproducible science.

The Importance of Publishing Your Biodiversity Data

Publishing your datasets is crucial for open and reproducible science, fostering a transparent process where your research can be validated, challenged, and built upon. This approach accelerates discovery and innovation in the biosciences.

Are My Data Suitable?

Suitable data for Darwin Core Archives include species lists and associated measurements or facts. If you have questions about your data's suitability or any other inquiries, please contact

See also the Machine-readable Nature Helpdesk.

Tags: GBIF, data publishing
Published Apr. 11, 2024 2:37 PM - Last modified Apr. 26, 2024 8:42 AM