GBIF towards 2030

Towards 2030: Strategy seminar for the Research Section at the UiO Natural History Museum in Oslo on 8-9 November 2018. Strategic directions for the UiO Natural History Museum,, and GBIF. Progress towards a long-term permanent GBIF research data infrastructure in Norway and a sustainable and actionable GBIF Node consortium.

GBIF towards 2030

Open access archiving and sharing of research data and material samples secures that your research results are reproducible.
Professional curation for research data and material samples will save you time because you yourself and your research partners efficiently find, understand and have access to your data and samples.
Open access sharing for re-use of research data and material samples give a wider distribution and impact for your research.
Efforts to improve the fitness for re-use for all research data and material samples strengthens open and curiosity-based research and will lead to unforeseeable research break-throughs.
Published Nov. 21, 2018 9:32 AM - Last modified Nov. 21, 2018 9:32 AM