NaturRestaurering: survey data

NaturRestaurering AS has published five datasets with a total of 13203 occurrences.

In the period 2020-2024 a total of approximately 90 reports where checked, in addition several spreadsheets were identified. Most of these reports contained species list from one or several locations. These species lists were published as a part of the dataset “Occurrence data from various smaller projects in Norway” and tagged with the datasetName “GBIF-2020_p12”. A total of 5517 occurrences were published through this dataset.

In addition another four datasets have been published:

Bird observations along transects in Kopperå, Trøndelag, Norway

Bird observations at Vikevatnet Norway

Monitoring data of natural and man-made semi-natural meadows in and around Oslo, Norway 2018-2021

Survey of birds of prey migration patterns, Lista wind farm (Agder, Norway), 2011-2013

Tags: GBIF-2020-p12, GBIF, data publishing, OpenPSD
Published Jan. 12, 2021 10:51 AM - Last modified Jan. 24, 2024 4:02 PM