GBIF data publishing, Tromsø

GBIF Norway ( and the Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre ( organize a seminar on data publishing in Tromsø on 7th and 8th of September 2016.

The seminar is suitable for all institutions, companies and other stakeholders that are engaged in registration of, or have plans to start registration of species-based biodiversity data. The seminar will cover the importance of collecting and publishing species-based biodiversity data, and describe some of the methods for data registration and data publication.
Following the seminar on day 1 we will organize a training workshop where all participants will get basic skills for preparing and standardizing their own datasets.
On day 2 we will be available for individual support with data publication. To sign up for day 2, you should already have datasets that are ready for publication. We plan to complete as far as possible the data preparation and data publication during the hands-on workshop.


Day 1, Wednesday 7th September

10:00 - 12:00 Public seminar on biodiversity data publishing, followed by lunch (approximately 10 to 50 participants, 1-2 hours)
13:00 - 16:00 Workshop about biodiversity data publishing (approximately 10 to 20 people, 2-3 hours)

Day 2, Thursday 8th September

09:00 - 15:00 Workshop and training with hands-on biodiversity data publishing (approximately 5 to 10 people)
Venue both days: Meeting room Ny-Ålesund, Framsenteret, Tromsø
Please contact us at if you want to participate or have questions regarding this event.


Program for onsdag 7. september (dag 1)

Seminar med introduksjon til data publisering (10 - 12) møterom Ny-Ålesund på Framsenteret

10:00  Velkommen og litt informasjon om bakgrunn for seminaret (5 min, Vidar Bakken, GBIF)

10:05  GBIFs rolle i norsk og internasjonal datapublisering (20 min, Dag Endresen, GBIF)

10:25  Hvorfor dele stedfestet informasjon om arter? (20 min, Snorre Henriksen, Artsdatabanken)

10:45  Åpen lisensiering av data (15 min, Wouter Koch, Artsdatabanken)

11:00  Motivasjon, og hvordan publisere og dele åpne data? (20 min, Dag Endresen, GBIF)

  •     Nye insentiver til offentlig åpne data, nye regler for åpne data fra EU finansiert forskning, INSPIRE, Horizon 2020.
  •     Nye mekanismer leverer kreditering for publisering av data, data paper, dataset DOI.
  •     Hva må til for å gjøre norske artsdata tilgjengelige. Darwin Core, Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT)
  •     Datalisensiering som støttes i GBIF (CC0, CC-BY, CC-BY-NC)
  •     GBIF data portal og webtjenester for enkel tilgang til artsdata (REST, JSON, R)

11:30  Spørsmål og diskusjon (30 min)
Diskusjon omkring forslag til framdriftsplan for tilrettelegging, kvalitetssikring og datapublisering.

12:00  Lunsj

Arbeidsmøte for data publisering, onsdag 7. september (13 - 16) møterom Ny-Ålesund på Framsenteret

Etter lunsj blir det organisert et kurs med veiledning til standarder og programvare for publisering av data. Målsetning for kurset er at deltagerne skal få grunnleggende ferdigheter slik at de kan tilrettelegge og gjennomføre datapublisering for egne data alene eller med oppfølgende support fra den norske GBIF-noden. Vi planlegger å holde kurset på Engelsk, med mulighet for å bytte til norsk dersom dette viser seg å være et ønske fra alle deltagerne.

After lunch there will be a training workshop on data standards and data publishing software. Participants should gain basic skills and knowledge to be able to prepare, standardize and publish their own datasets after the workshop - on their own or with support from the Norwegian GBIF-node. We plan to organize the workshop in English unless all participants speak Norwegian and prefer to change the language.

13:00  Introduction to the course

13:30  Getting started with data publication

14:30  Coffee break

15:00  Demo: Data publishing using the IPT software (30 min, Christian Svindseth)
Occurrence data, multimedia, measurements.

15:30  Hands-on exercise with IPT for participants using their own datasets or one of the demo-datasets we will provide.

16:00 Wrap-up, end of day (evaluation form)

Program for Thursday 8th of September (day 2)

Data publishing workshop (9 - 15) møterom Ny-Ålesund på Framsenteret

The workshop is intended for data holding institutions and will provide support with preparation and publication of your own datasets. Depending on the number of participants we will organize into groups and provide support from the GBIF-node. Participants can influence the program by sending us your datasets in advance and to let us know what type of training and support is most valuable for you. The workshop will be lead by Christian Svindseth, Dag Endresen, Vidar Bakken, and Wouter Koch.



Data publishing training workshop at Framsenteret in Tromsø
Data publishing training at Framsenteret in Tromsø
Data publishing training workshop at Framsenteret in Tromsø
Continued data publishing at Skarven pub after the workshop
The Cathedral in Tromsø


Resources, references and slides available at:

GBIF Norway (2015). Data publishing workshop at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) in Trondheim on 29th and 30th of October 2015.

GBIF Secretariat (2015). Getting Started: An overview of data publishing in the GBIF network, version 1.1. Copenhagen: Global Biodiversity Information Facility, 17 pp. ISBN: 87-92020-28-3 (for version 1.0).

GBIF Secretariat guideline for data publication:

Simple guide to publishing occurrence data (GBIF wiki):

Artsnavnebasen, Scientific name search:

Global Names Architecture:


Datasets published during the workshop

Marine fish and their ectoparasitic copepods in the western Wadden Sea (North Sea) in 2010 - doi:10.15468/ru0sde - Occurrence dataset. Updated 08 Sep, 2016. 40 records (40 geo-referenced). Published by The Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre (NBIC).

Dataset of fungus gnats (Diptera,Sciaroidea) from Møre og Romsdal county in Norway - doi:10.15468/rb2hld - Occurrence dataset. Updated 12 Sep, 2016. 2,322 records (2,322 geo-referenced). Published by UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

Species observations during citizen science expeditions - doi:10.15468/pzo4mb - Occurrence dataset. Updated 12 Sep, 2016. 240 records (238 geo-referenced). Published by The Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre (NBIC).



GBIF Norway
Tags: GBIF,, data publishing, Artsdatabanken, Artskart, Darwin Core
Published Feb. 10, 2017 2:09 PM